Sunday, July 25, 2010


     Beware there are numerous people who are out in Brockton taking pictures of cars illegally parked in fire lanes and handicapped spots.
Parked at the DDs in Canton
     These drivers cars will be posted on this site along with a picture that will be forwarded to code enforcement. Currently the violation is $100 fine for parking in or blocking a fire lane and a $350 fine for parking in a handicap spot. Here is one car that is illegally blocking the fire lane. A total disregard for our Fire Department. This picture will be forwarded along with the area that it happened in.

     I would urge everyone to call their State Representatives and ask for an increase of both fines to $1000 with a possible suspension of  a persons license. If another violation occurs I would ask for a 6 months suspension of the persons license. Here is another person blocking and parking in the Fire lane and also blocking the handicap ramp for people that use it for wheelchairs.

Parked at the Stop n Shop on Belmont St. in Brockton

     This one was parked at the Stop n Shop by Belmont street in Brockon again this picture will be forwarded to the appropriate code enforcement and hopefully a ticket will be given. If anyone has pictures of these violators please email them to me at:

     All pictures will be posted anonymously. This has gone on long enough and if enough people take pictures and we can present hundreds of these pictures to our State Representative then maybe they will see that people really do want something done about these violations. I urge you to call our Representatives at the state levels, you will find their links to the left of our website. Keep up the good work and keep sending the pictures in. This is a battle WE WILL WIN!!!!!! 
Man opening the door for person who parked their car in fire lane
     I would also ask people to call the owners of these business's and ask to have their employees call the police or even take pictures or at least put a larger sign up saying WE WILL CALL THE POLICE ON VIOLATORS.